Ancient village and large basilica add to the picture of the past near Starosel
“We have explored a single-nave church on Kozi Gramadi peak which dates back to Late Antiquity. Two more basilicas have been localized on the land of Starosel. We also have evidence about the existence of other two basilicas in the neighboring villages Matenitsa and Krasovo. In other words, the presence of monuments from the Early Christian Period in the southern slopes of Sredna Gora Mountain is not an exception. The strange thing was that we found that basilica near the Thracian mound in close proximity to the large mound monument dating back to the ancient Thracian period. It was also strange to find out that the building was facing northeast-southeast, instead of east-west.”
Archaeologists have started to study the ancient village which covers an area of 1.5 hectares. It is situated nearby the place where their expedition is currently working. It is quite logical for such a large settlement dating back to the late antiquity to have a prehistory and to consist of one or several religious monuments or churches from that time.

A commission from the Inspectorate for Protection of Cultural Heritage with the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture is to visit the area and get acquainted with the results of the research campaign. The commission is expected to propose measures aimed at preserving that ancient temple. Of course, it must be conserved first, archaeologist Ivan Hristov points out. In fact, the archeological operation was financed by the local wine cellar. The management of the cellar wants to finance the construction of a protective roof and also fence off the monument, in order to preserve it for the future generations. We are guided by the belief that once excavations are completed on a given site, archaeologists must immediately come up with measures aimed at preserving the monuments and then publish the results of their research work and studies, so people can learn details about the history of those interesting historical monuments”, archaeologist Ivan Hristov concludes.
English version: Kostadin Atanasov
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