02/28/12 17:52
Some 60% of Bulgarians unwilling to deliver their metal scrap for free

The sociological study included 1,000 people across the country and showed that 78% of Bulgarians are not familiar with the forthcoming changes. Some 46% of the respondents believe that settlements will not become cleaner due to the new requirements, while just 34% of the polled responded that they will transport their metal scrap at their expense. Just 1% expressed hesitation on the matter and 53% said they will dispose of the scrap in garbage containers. Only 25% of the respondents are willing to accept the new requirements, and only if the sites are located no further than 5 km from their homes. Over 40% of the respondents stated clearly that they are unwilling to transport and deliver their metal scrap free of charge.
The survey results will be submitted to the Parliamentary Environment and Water Committee and to the Constitutional Court.
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Публикувана на 02/28/12 17:52 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196803_Some+60%25+of+Bulgarians+unwilling+to+deliver+their+metal+scrap+for+free+
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