03/13/11 18:41
GERB supported by 23.6% of voters, BSP – by 15.8%

“If parliamentary elections were held today, some 23.6% of the voters would support GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria),” sociologist Nikola Kolev said yesterday when presenting a survey of the Mediana agency on the public attitudes during the March 1st – 8th period. According to the data, the support for the ruling party fell by 4.3%, compared to December 2010, but this did not led to increased support for other political forces.
“The reflux of votes is at the expense of people who will not cast their ballot and are disillusioned with politics,” said Kolev. According to the results of the survey, 43% of the people will not vote next time.
The other political forces maintain a stable level of approval by citizens. BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party) added 1% to its rating and is supported by 15.8% of the electorate. MRF (Movement for Rights and Freedoms) suffered a reflux of 1.5% and is supported by 5.1% of the Bulgarians. The Blue Coalition added only 0.2% to its rating and is supported by 4.4% of the voters. According to Kolev, the close relations of the Ataka party with GERB resulted in a decline in the support for it by nearly 1% and now it can count on 3.9% of the votes. The support for OLJ (Order, Law and Justice) remains unchanged at 1.5%.
The sociologist stated that if the elections were held today, GERB and Ataka would not be able to form a parliamentary majority. “Unlike previous elections, we will have a much lower election activity and it will, to a large extent, hit the electoral potential of the ruling party,” forecast Kolev.
Some changes of places can be observed in the rating of politicians. EU Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva added 1% to her rating and is the front runner in the ranking of confidence in politicians with a 58% approval. President Georgi Parvanov ranks second with 48%, although he lost 3%. PM Boyko Borissov climbed down to the third position with a 42% approval, having lost 10% of Bulgarians’ confidence, compared to December. According to the survey, Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov suffered the most dramatic decline in his rating. He lost 17% of the confidence in him and is approved by 33% now.
“Without clear positive signals for the economic development of the country, the crisis in confidence will deepen and, henceforth, the economy will dictate the attitude towards politics,” commented the sociologist.
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Публикувана на 03/13/11 18:41 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/161959_GERB+supported+by+23.6%25+of+voters%2C+BSP+%E2%80%93+by+15.8%25
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