03/15/11 19:23
Switzerland to grant Bulgaria overall BGN 115 mln for the environment and private sector

Evgeni Gavrilov
Overall CHF 76 mln (about BGN 115 mln) will be granted to Bulgaria under the bilateral programme for cooperation with Switzerland, announced Minister of EU Funds Management Tomislav Donchev. Yesterday, he and Beatrice Maser, Head of the Economic Development and Cooperation Division in the Foreign Economic Affairs Directorate, Switzerland, signed an agreement for the drawing out of projects under the programme.
The Swiss financial aid granted to Bulgaria is a contribution to the EU Cohesion Policy, said Donchev. Regina Escher, Ambassador of Switzerland to Bulgaria, stated that the programme would stimulate the Bulgarian economic development.
The funds will be targeted at four fields including reforms' reliability and incentives, the environment sector, especially waste management, as well as the development of the private sector and the human factor. The projects under the programme will be accepted until 2014 and its duration expires in 2019.
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Публикувана на 03/15/11 19:23 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/162228_Switzerland+to+grant+Bulgaria+overall+BGN+115+mln+for+the+environment+and+private+sector
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