05/30/11 19:45
Petar Dikov's nomination for Sofia Mayor under discussion. Fandakova to be invited for Vice-president

The Sofia organization of the ruling party believes that a professional such as Dikov has a chance to be backed by the majority of the supporters of the Left parties that does not favour any longer Georgi Kadiev who has already been nominated by BSP-Sofia (Bulgarian Socialist Party) as their candidate. Moreover, the sociological polls showed that GERB could rely on broader support should a real expert be nominated, rather than a political figure.
Yesterday, Dikov himself was extremely laconic on the phone. "Please, address your questions to those who claim I am a possible candidate for Sofia mayor. I know nothing about it," stated he before Klassa. Dikov was among the nominations rumoured for Sofia mayor in 2009, but ultimately the candidacy of Yordanka Fandakova was preferred at that time.
Klassa tried to learn more from the municipal councillors of the ruling party and the Opposition. GERB's councilors were very cautious in their forecasts since according to the official position of the party, their nominations will be announced in June-July.
"It is true that for months the media publications and analysts have been nominating Yordanka Fandakova as a presidential candidate in the forthcoming election race, but she herself is very reserved in her statements," said a municipal councillor who wanted to remain anonymous. In his words, GERB is hardly considering one nomination. Therefore, it is highly likely that the pros and cons of Dikov's candidacy have already been discussed.
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Публикувана на 05/30/11 19:45 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/170287_Petar+Dikov%27s+nomination+for+Sofia+Mayor+under+discussion.+Fandakova+to+be+invited+for+Vice-president
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