06/26/11 09:52
The harmony of the soul as a movement

28 June (Tuesday), 19:30
Ballet performance of the Modern Ballet of Szeged
National Opera and Ballet
Sofia, 1 Vrabcha Str.
Phone: 02 987 13 66
Music: Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony № IX.
Scene, costume: Zsuzsa Molnár
Film: Gábor Kovács
Lights: Ferenc Stadler
Assistant: Ágnes Markovics
Choreographer: Tamás Juronics
Vencel Csetényi, Laura Fehér, Gábor Finta, Kitti Hajszán, János Haller, Gergő M. Horváth, Gábor Majer, Kitti Palman, Krisztina Szarvas, Zoltán Tarnavölgyi, Andrea Tóth, Flóra Zsadon
Besides its important role in the world of music, the IX. Symphony is a magnificent piece of work also because it phrases ideas that are authentic up to today. Perhaps the mutual message of Beethoven and Schiller has never been this important. Aspiration after finding a universal, common intellectuality that bridges countries, religions, cultural differences is more current than ever before, now that the economic unification of the world seems to be feasible in the future.
The collective flaring of human spirit, soul and the unidirectional efficacy of collective thinking has always been a dream for the humanist thinker. Could this type of intellectual UNISONO be able to change our world, our everydays? But finding the collective lingua franca is not a question of uniformity. The celebration of true consonance comes into existence when impregnated with the liberation of individuality. The joy of the discovering our independent and human self.These are the questions raised dance performance "Unisono" of the Modern Ballet of Szeged that can be seen on the stage of Sofia National Opera exclusively this Thursday.

Szeged Contemporary Ballet is famous Hungarian modern dance company. It took its present name in 1993 but dates back to ballet performances staged in the city by Károly Zsedényi during the 1940s. A full-time company was formed at the Szeged National Theatre in which Zoltán Imre came to prominence as dancer and choreographer. Economic problems caused its decline but it was relaunched in 1987 as Szeged Ballet by Roland Boker under the guidance of Imre, performing modern dance works and contemporary ballets. In 1993 András Patki and Tamás Juronics were appointed directors bringing in works by Juronics, Roberto Galvin, and Uri Ivgi.
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, op. 125 represents the apotheosis of Beethoven’s symphonies. The idea for this symphony tormented Beethoven for many years. Dating as far back as 1809, we find notes of musical ideas which will be later used for this symphony. The material he gathered was ultimately used between 1822-1824 when the great symphony was elaborated with chorus and soloists. Its general tone is happiness captured in multiple instances. Perhaps that is why it was also titled "The Symphony of Joy". Schiller’s poem " The Ode to Joy " interested him from 1793 when he sought to write a song, but the musical theme of Part IV was written only a year before the completion of the symphony.

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