07/12/11 12:34
Music as a journey through time

14 July (Thursday) 2011
The Red House Culture and Debate Centre
Red Hall, 20:00,
Entrance: 9/7 BGN
Sofia, 15 Liuben Karavelov Str.
Working time: 10:00–18:00
Phone: 02 988 81 88
Phone: 02 986 44 16
Denitza Serafimova/ Petya Urumova – vocals
Kalin Yordanov – vocals, daf, bodhrán, darbuka
Ivaylo Petrov – oud, dzhumbush oud, saz, tambura
Peter Todorov – darbuka, tombak, cajón, rick, electronic percussions
Yasen Lazarov – harmonium, duduk, kaval, keyboards
Music as a journey through time - that's the message of the famous Bulgarian group Irfan. The name of the formation comes from Persian language, where --Irfan-- literally means "spiritual insight".
Irfan are easily defined as the Bulgarian answer to Dead Can Dance - a beatifully performed and deeply mystical music that echoes with the traditions of Medieval Europe, Bulgaria and Persia. The music criticism hesitates to define the style of music Irfan, defining it as Neoclassical / World Music / Sacred Music / Etherial Music / Heavenly voices.
In point of fact, Irfan’s music is best described as world fusion; it is strongly influenced by the religious music and folklore of Bulgaria, the Balkans, Persia, the Caucasus Mountains, the Near East, and North Africa. It also draws on Europe’s musical and spiritual traditions, especially those of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, while maintaining its unique sound. The musicians use traditional (Bulgarian, Balkan, oriental, Persian, and Indian) music instruments and vocal techniques, sometimes embedded in a delicate, ambient electronic sound. The band was formed in 2001 as a side project by musicians from several Bulgarian formations–Isihia, Om, Kayno Yesno Slonce, and Zaratustra–but immediately grew into an independent and promising act. Since 2003, Irfan has been signed to the French record label Prikosnovenie, which declared the Bulgarians to be its “discovery and revelation for the year of 2004.” The label has released Irfan’s two albums, “Irfan” (2003) and “Seraphim” (2007), worldwide. The American labelNoir Records represents the band in the US.

The group has already implemented a small tour in Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Poland, Litva, the Czech Republic and France. Participated in several wonderful and magical festivals, where the Bulgarian musicians were generously applauded by the splendid audience at each one of them .... From the solemn beauty of the SchauspielHaus at the WGT, through the fairy joyous atmosphere of Castlefest and its magical creatures, the muddyq frolic meadows of Folkwoods, the cosy and touching audience at Colors of Ostrava and the unworldly feeling in Domkerk at Summer Darkness, to the respecting size of the hangar and the audience at M'era Luna, and last but not least - the fairy medieval magic of La Nuit des Fées.

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Публикувана на 07/12/11 12:34 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174822_Music+as+a+journey+through+time
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