03/27/11 18:18
42% of Bulgarians state: First, we must build a career, then a family

Mila Grigorova
42% of adult Bulgarians and 60% of young people (18-25 years of age) are of the opinion that a person must first receive good education and build a professional career and create a family afterwards, according to the data from the special national representative survey carried out by BBSS Gallup International, commissioned by Klassa daily and dedicated to the family.
Undoubtedly, the creation of a family nowadays is a complex task and requires serious resources including time and experience. The trend in recent years shows that more young people prefer to wait and find a serious job, strengthen their professional position in order to earn secure incomes and only afterwards to proceed to the setting up of a home and family
The view that a family is created only after the person has at least developed a career is supported by 42% of adult Bulgarians. The young respondents for whom the creation of a family is imminent (18-25 years of age) are more inclined to agree with this statement. 60% of them believe that it is more favourable for young people not to hurry with the creation of a family, but first to pursue one's professional development and receive a good education. Only 12% of the youngest respondents disagree with this assertion.
Over one-third of Bulgarians reckon that they are willing to sacrifice their free time (spent with their family) in order to work more. The majority of workaholics are found among the inhabitants of Sofia, the Bulgarians of high financial status and university graduates. Nearly half of Bulgarians with a high living standard are also ready to work in their spare time.
The late setting up of a family (after professional realisation) and the willingness to sacrifice some free time in order to work in no case means that for Bulgarians, the creation of a family is less important than the building of a career. Even in times of economic crisis, the vast majority (70%) of adult Bulgarians explicitly reckon that for them their family is more important than their work and career.
This percentage is even higher among women and residents of small towns.
Steadfast career people are only 7%. A significantly higher proportion of them is observed among men and Bulgarians of high financial status.
Another sign of the pro-family attitude of Bulgarians refers to the fact that almost 60% of Bulgarians maintain that they would prefer to have a big family. Let us remind our readers that some time ago Klassa published data revealing that the majority of Bulgarians would like to have at least two children. The desire for a big family is expressed by almost all groups of society, irrespective of age, place of residence and social status.
42% of adult Bulgarians and 60% of young people (18-25 years of age) are of the opinion that a person must first receive good education and build a professional career and create a family afterwards, according to the data from the special national representative survey carried out by BBSS Gallup International, commissioned by Klassa daily and dedicated to the family.
Undoubtedly, the creation of a family nowadays is a complex task and requires serious resources including time and experience. The trend in recent years shows that more young people prefer to wait and find a serious job, strengthen their professional position in order to earn secure incomes and only afterwards to proceed to the setting up of a home and family
The view that a family is created only after the person has at least developed a career is supported by 42% of adult Bulgarians. The young respondents for whom the creation of a family is imminent (18-25 years of age) are more inclined to agree with this statement. 60% of them believe that it is more favourable for young people not to hurry with the creation of a family, but first to pursue one's professional development and receive a good education. Only 12% of the youngest respondents disagree with this assertion.
Over one-third of Bulgarians reckon that they are willing to sacrifice their free time (spent with their family) in order to work more. The majority of workaholics are found among the inhabitants of Sofia, the Bulgarians of high financial status and university graduates. Nearly half of Bulgarians with a high living standard are also ready to work in their spare time.
The late setting up of a family (after professional realisation) and the willingness to sacrifice some free time in order to work in no case means that for Bulgarians, the creation of a family is less important than the building of a career. Even in times of economic crisis, the vast majority (70%) of adult Bulgarians explicitly reckon that for them their family is more important than their work and career.
This percentage is even higher among women and residents of small towns.
Steadfast career people are only 7%. A significantly higher proportion of them is observed among men and Bulgarians of high financial status.
Another sign of the pro-family attitude of Bulgarians refers to the fact that almost 60% of Bulgarians maintain that they would prefer to have a big family. Let us remind our readers that some time ago Klassa published data revealing that the majority of Bulgarians would like to have at least two children. The desire for a big family is expressed by almost all groups of society, irrespective of age, place of residence and social status.
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Публикувана на 03/27/11 18:18 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/163524_42%25+of+Bulgarians+state%3A+First%2C+we+must+build+a+career%2C+then+a+family++
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