03/28/11 15:16
Lv 66 Mln Available for Hospital Equipment under Operational Programme Regional Development

leva on Monday under the EU-backed Operational Programme
Regional Development to buy equipment for six hospitals. The
relevant agreements were signed by Health Minister Stefan
Konstantinov and Deputy Regional Development and Public Works
Minister Lilyana Pavlova, who heads the managing authority for
the Programme.
The amount is part of a 148 million leva package of financing
for 13 hospitals and eight child care homes.
The projects will be implemented over a period of 24 months,
Pavlova said. She expressed hope that the Health Ministry will
finish the contract bidding procedures by the end of this coming
Health Minister Konstantinov said cancer hospitals are the
principal beneficiaries. In addition, 47 million leva has been
earmarked to restructure hospitals in small communities and 100
million leva is available for cancer wards in municipal-run
hospitals, he said.
Regional Development and Public Works Minister Rosen Plevneliev,
who attended the signing ceremony, said 288 million leva is
available under Operational Programme Regional Development for
projects at municipal and state hospitals. The financing is
expected to resolve the second major health issue in Bulgaria:
cancer care, he said.
Some 52 per cent of the funding under the Programme has been
agreed for disbursal. By the year's end, the total value of
schemes opened under the Programme will reach 3,000 million
leva, which is 98 per cent of the overall funding, Plevneliev
The National Health Insurance Fund will change the algorithm of
the clinical pathway for terminally ill cancer patients in a way
which will allow such patients to spend the rest of their lives
in dignity and in humane conditions, Konstantinov said. The
idea is to let hospices implement these pathways.
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Публикувана на 03/28/11 15:16 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/163595_Lv+66+Mln+Available+for+Hospital+Equipment+under+Operational+Programme+Regional+Development
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