03/30/11 19:37
Mihail Mihov found dead in a hotel near Pravets

The corpse of Mihov was discovered around 12.30 pm in a hotel room in the RIU Pravets Resort Golf &Spa. The hotel manager, Lachezar Todorov, explained before BTA that the body had been discovered by the maid. He stated that Mihov had not complained about any health problems at the time of his arrival at the hotel. Todorov highlighted that the businessman had been a regular guest of the hotel, but refused to specify whether he was alone on Tuesday evening. "I suppose that he died during the night," said Todorov.
Hours after the death of Mihov, the Bulgarian Basketball Federation released a special declaration stating that March 30, 2011 would be remembered as one of the most tragic days for BBF. "The man whose heart was wholly devoted to basketball departed from this life. Throughout his adult life, Mihail Mihov burned with the fire of the game devoting time, money and all his love."
Mihail Mihov, born in 1964 in the town of Silistra, became famous in early January this year when the Galleria newspaper released a transcript of a telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and Head of the Customs Vanyo Tanov in which Boyko Borissov explained he had promised Mihov his personal protection. The conversation was recorded in March last year. The reason for this call was a raid of customs officers in the Ledenika brewery. The license of the company currently is revoked because of numerous violations of the customs and tax legislation. Then, the Prime Minister announced in Parliament that his conversation with Tanov had been manipulated.
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Публикувана на 03/30/11 19:37 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/163976_Mihail+Mihov+found+dead+in+a+hotel+near+Pravets+
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