04/13/11 18:32
Bulgaria loses more than BGN 3 mln from beach concessions

Under the agreements, in case of defaulted payment of fees, the tenants have to pay an interest and penalties. In case of a breach of contract or delayed fulfilment of the obligations and conditions of the concession on the part of the concessionaire, the managing authority is entitled to get a default payment for each individual case. Rental prices are negotiated by February 15 every year. In case of non-compliance with this requirement, the concession contract is being terminated unilaterally.
A total of 22 beaches have been concessioned in the Varna region, but another 13 will remain unguarded this summer. In the Burgas region, there are two beaches without concessionaires at present. It is not yet clear what will happen to those beaches for which the contracts for management have been terminated. A total of 77 beaches remained unguarded last year.
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Публикувана на 04/13/11 18:32 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/165499_Bulgaria+loses+more+than+BGN+3+mln+from+beach+concessions+
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