04/20/11 18:11
Building materials tested for “reaction to fire”

A water treatment plant and the attached collector will also be put into operation. The infrastructure facilities are part of the project "Construction of Treatment Plants for Waste Water in the Basin of the Maritsa River –at the Towns of Stara Zagora, Dimitrovgrad and Haskovo”.
The construction of the new system in the town of Stara Zagora will cost €14.2 mln. Out of these, 75% are granted under the ISPA Programme, 15% will be borrowed from the European Investment Bank and the remaining 10% are allocated from the State budget.
The treatment plant is designed on the basis of projected data for 2020 and is expected to purify the wastewater of 219,000 residents. The Heitkamp (Germany) / MASS (Turkey) consortium is the project contractor, while the Dahlem - Diwi - Data House consortium is the consultant. After the opening of the two sites, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, Rosen Plevneliev, will inspect the construction of the Trakia motorway.
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Публикувана на 04/20/11 18:11 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/166268_Building+materials+tested+for+%E2%80%9Creaction+to+fire%E2%80%9D+
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