05/03/11 18:21
Brikel TPP starts repair works instead of closing down

Brikel TPP will decommission on its own the last two operating boilers and will suspend its electricity and heat generation on May 5, announced for Klassa, Georgi Zlatev, Deputy CEO of the company yesterday. During this period, the enterprise will be under a planned renovation, according to the decision reached after a meeting between the Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, the TPP's owner Hristo Kovachki and the Environment Minsiter, Nona Karadjova and trade unions, said also Zlatev.
The Ministry of Environment and Waters (MEW), however, continues to argue that the company would be closed down permanently within a few days because of the pollution it causes.
We will implement repair works during the public discussion of our application for comprehensive permit and I hope that up to June, the TPP power generation will be commissioned again, explained Zlatev.
Last week, the company paid some BGN 18 mln for exceeded quotas of harmful emissions.
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Публикувана на 05/03/11 18:21 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/167423_Brikel+TPP+starts+repair+works+instead+of+closing+down
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