06/10/12 16:43
Tourism industry suggests six instead of 14 regions in Bulgaria

“We propose the regions to be six instead of 14, so that the regions would correspond to the current planning areas. All over the world, the regions are based on this principle and we fully support such an initiative,” Vitan Ivanov from a Tourist Office in Sofia told Klassa. He added that a meeting has been held with Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Delian Dobrev and it was decided to submit proposals for amendments and supplements to the Tourism Act by June 4. The results of those proposals are expected now and it will become clear if the proposals have been taken into consideration and to what extent.
According to the amendments, individual legal entities, as well as local and regional associations and municipalities on the territory of the respective region can be its members. “About six months after the adoption and promulgation of the Tourism Act, a public discussion on the number of regions and their names is projected to be held,” said Marinov. The zoning will be based on a research of economic, environmental and demographic indicators.
“The division of the country into tourist regions will not correspond to its administrative and territorial division. The tourist zones will only serve marketing and advertising purposes,” added Marinov.
“Within three weeks, the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism will submit the new draft of the Tourism Act to the Council of Ministers and it should be adopted within a month,” Delian Dobrev said on Saturday evening at the Sunny Beach resort during the official opening of the 2012 summer tourist season, reported BTA.
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Публикувана на 06/10/12 16:43 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/206432_Tourism+industry+suggests+six+instead+of+14+regions+in+Bulgaria+
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