02/01/12 17:54
Specialised Court wants to read newspaper articles prior to their publication

A few hours later, the Specialised Court circulated a second press release, explaining that their aim is not censorship but better communication with the media.
“The purpose of our message is to improve the communication between the Court and the media. We are neither willing, nor able to censor your articles and we do not doubt the objective representation on your part of the information submitted by the Court,” explained the unit. The judges added that they are aware that journalists are not obliged to send them their articles and assured them that they will not control the process.
The two-instance Specialised Court and Prosecution began operation at the beginning of 2012. The structures were established after the suggestion of the Government and they will hear lawsuits against heavy organised crime.
Almost BGN 2 mln earmarked for salaries of the 134 employees of the new structures were extended for the launching of the four specialised units. The administration of the two courts and prosecutions has a staff of 81 people - 25 in the Court of First Instance and 16 in the Court of Appeal, 30 in the Prosecution Office of First Instance and 10 in the Specialised Prosecution of Second Instance.
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Публикувана на 02/01/12 17:54 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/194186_Specialised+Court+wants+to+read+newspaper+articles+prior+to+their+publication
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