06/02/11 19:40
Russia bans the imports of fresh vegetables from the EU

“The Russian ban on imports of raw vegetables is unbalanced,“ stated the European Commission Spokesperson, posted Reuters.
Late on Wednesday, the EC found out that the infection with the bacteria Escherichia coli had not spread from the cucumbers grown in Spain and their producers were exculpated. Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero confirmed that his country will demand compensation after Spanish cucumbers have been mistakenly identified as the source of a deadly bacterial infection.
“Bulgaria, like other EU member-states, will demand compensation for the losses incurred to producers,” announced to journalists Miroslav Naydenov, Minister of Agriculture and Food. The compensation issue will be discussed on June 17 at an extraordinary meeting of the EU Ministers of Agriculture in Luxembourg. Naydenov said that the infection probably came from Germany and its source was unlikely to be vegetables. The epidemic continues to spread there, the dead toll reached 17 people, sick people number over 1,500. Cases of the bacterial infection have been diagnosed in Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Austria, Britain, the Czech Republic, France, Russia and Spain.
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Публикувана на 06/02/11 19:40 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/170707_Russia+bans+the+imports+of+fresh+vegetables+from+the+EU
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