07/04/11 19:27
The fees imposed by Sunny Beach JSC to be appealed

“The company earns almost no revenue; it does not own the infrastructure. The EVN company owns the power network, the water and sewerage system is included in the assets of the Water Supply and Sewage Burgas Ltd, the beach is leased under a concession, the green areas are now just 10% of the overall area of the resort,” said Sava Charoleev, Chairman of the Management Board of the Owners' Union and proprietor of the Vitosha and Rila hotels in the complex. “Therefore, we are against the double taxation with additional infrastructure charges. We pay tourist tax as well,” he said.
“The municipality only collects revenues from the property tax, the garbage fee, the new tourist tax, and does not invest even 1 BGN in the Sunny Beach resort,” said Vesselin Nalbantov, member of the Management Board of the Owners' Union and proprietor of the Coliseum hotel. “The company does not maintain the complex and has no assets but tries to administer the complex. It attemps to impose rules without conducting any business activity,” he added.
“As early as April, we demanded that the temporary sites be banned. Instead, the company declared them legal by collecting taxes from them,” stated hotel owners at Sunny Beach-West. There are more hotels there in contrast to the apartment complexes that predominate in the eastern part of the complex and do not pay extra charges. According to Nalbantov, this business, which includes around 1150 illegal temporary sites, generates an income of about BGN 500 mln, which fuels the gray economy.
“All these troubles result from the main and most important problem of Sunny Beach - the infrastructure ownership. A dialogue between the Nessebar municipality, the State and the company should address this problem,” explained Elena Ivanova, Chairperson of the Owners' Union in the resort.
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Публикувана на 07/04/11 19:27 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174085_The+fees+imposed+by+Sunny+Beach+JSC+to+be+appealed
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