06/26/11 18:35
A former jail superintendant detained with 7 grenade launchers and ammunition in a criminal operation

Two men involving 57-year old V.K. and 58-year-old T.T. were detained for hiding a huge quantity of illegal arms and ammunition during the criminal raid "The Grenade Launchers" in Plovdiv, announced yesterday the Ministry of Interior (MI). The police operation, which was carried out jointly with Interpol and Europol, seized seven army grenade launchers. In fact, a part of their serial numbers had been erased. MI released the information that one of the detainees was a retired official of the Chief Directorate Execution of Judgement with the Ministry of Justice.
"In the attack against late underground boss Poli Pantev, it was this kind of weapon - the antitank grenade launcher - that was used A 22-calibre rifle, which was also seized during the criminal operation, was used to kill Georgi Iliev, who managed the former VIS-2 JSC insurance company," explained MI Secretary-General, Kalin Georgiev.
"Most likely, the weapons were illegally taken from the divisions of the Ministry of Defence and MI. The arms will be subject to expertise which will prove whether emblematic assassinations were committed on the territory of Bulgaria as some of their serial numbers have been erased," explained Kalin Georgiev. "I hope that our joint actions with the partner intelligence services will identify the origin of the guns, which is likely to be from the Balkan region," commented also Interior Minister, Tsvetan Tsvetanov.
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Публикувана на 06/26/11 18:35 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/173234_A+former+jail+superintendant+detained+with+7+grenade+launchers+and+ammunition+in+a+criminal+operation
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