07/03/11 18:56
GERB presents 48 of its mayoral candidates
Most of the candidates for city leaders attended the press conference, and had arrived, according to Tsvetanov, with their own cars and at their expense. The curricula released showed that a total of 5 Mps, 7 district and deputy district governors and 22 acting mayors had been among the candidate mayors. Out of the 48 nominees, 6 were women.
Tsvetanov, presented each of the nominees in person, assessed his chances of success, and reminded how the last mayoral elections had passed in the respective municipality. It was announced that the Executive Committee of GERB had already approved much other nominations, but "for strategic reasons," their announcement would be postponed.
Answering a journalist's question, Tsvetan Tsvetanov again stated that regarding Sofia, there was no more prominent candidate than Yordanka Fandakova, which did not attend the briefing because of her busy work schedule. Reference to the timetable of Sofia Mayor showed that at the time when the briefing started, Fandakova was expected to open a renovated part of the South Park, but the event was cancelled because of the bad weather. The absence of Dimitar Nikolov, Mayor of Burgas, who is nominated for a second term, was explained with a business engagement as well. Tsvetanov described him as one of the most approved politicians from GERB.
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Публикувана на 07/03/11 18:56 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/173947_GERB+presents+48+of+its+mayoral+candidates
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