07/06/11 19:05
Simeon Djankov: MPs should not receive higher salaries than the Prime Minister

“It is not appropriate that MPs receive higher salaries than the Prime Minister and the ministers,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Simeon Djankov, yesterday in Burgas. This is why he argues that the remuneration model of MPs needs to be revised. The minister also pointed out that lawmakers are legally entitled to additional funds to their salaries and the Parliament could consider the introduction of amendments to the respective law and to the Rules of the National Assembly, so that a tax be levied on these bonuses.
According to Simeon Djankov, "there should be a scale based on the scope of work of a person, his powers and responsibilities. "I believe that a Prime Minister, a Minister of Finance, a Minister of Environment, any Minister is in charge of a lot more than the average MP." For these reasons, Djankov is convinced that the model of pay should be revised in general. Several days ago, Yane Yanev, leader of Order, Law and Justice party, revealed that the actual salary of MPs amounted to some BGN 5,000.
The statement of Simeon Djankov comes in the midst of the ongoing dispute on party subsidies, which has been going on for three weeks now. Currently, "the money follows the deputy" principle is in force and if a MP declared himself independent, he is entitled to designate to which party the funds amounting to 180,000 t per year have to be redirected.
The current working principle can be summarized as 'the money follows the MP' and if he declares himself as independent, he gets the right to redirect the funds of some BGN 180,000 per year to whichever party he chooses.
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Публикувана на 07/06/11 19:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174329_Simeon+Djankov%3A+MPs+should+not+receive+higher+salaries+than+the+Prime+Minister
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