08/02/11 19:26
Bulgaria ranks third in the EU in terms of the growth of manufacturing inflation

Bulgaria ranks third in the European Union in terms of the growth in producer prices in industry in June year-on-year, according to the data of the European Statistical Office Eurostat. Our country reported a 10.1% rise in industrial values, while, with respect to this indicator, we were outpaced only by the UK reporting growth of 12.7% and Denmark registering growth of 10.6%. The total increase on an annual basis in the EU and Euro Area was 4.4 % and 4.2%, respectively. Growth in the energy sector was 10.7% and 13%, respectively. The production of non-durable consumer goods rose by 3.7% for the Eurozone and by 4.2% for the EU. In both regions, durable consumer goods increased by 1.7%. However, minimal growth was registered, in turn, by Malta (an increase of only 0.8%), Hungary and Sweden (with growth of 1.5% each).
On a monthly basis, manufacturing inflation in the Eurozone and the EU remained stable, compared to the data for the month of May 2011. In June, prices (excluding the energy sector) rose by 0.1% on average. In the energy sector, they dropped by 0.3% in the Eurozone and by 0.2% in the EU. Basic goods added 0.2%, while intermediate goods accumulated 0.1%. Non-durable consumer goods increased by 0.1% in the Euro area and by 0.2% in the European Union. Durable consumer goods maintained stable levels in the Euro area, while in the EU they marked growth of 0.1%.
The most significant general increase was observed in Latvia (1.3%), Cyprus and Romania (0.6%) and Slovenia (0.4%). The largest declines were recorded in Ireland (-1.2%), Denmark, Hungary and the Netherlands (-0.7%).
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Публикувана на 08/02/11 19:26 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/176967_Bulgaria+ranks+third+in+the+EU+in+terms+of+the+growth+of+manufacturing+inflation
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