02/09/12 20:00
Stefan Konstantinov promises online patient's cards to be introduced by 2013

In October 2013, Bulgarian citizens will be issued e-prescriptions, electronic patient's cards and electronic health records, promised yesterday Health Minister Stefan Konstantinov during the opening of the seventh conference "E-Health - Technology for Management Transparency and Patient Care''. Konstantinov specified at the forum that, currently, the application documents are being accepted for those willing to participate in the basic project, which will ensure the availability of e- prescriptions, health records and patients' cards. The Minister clarified that the electronic patient's file will list the surgeries performed on the patient. The file's purpose is to authorise each patient to verify the compliance between the performed operations and the data stored therein. Only patients having an online signature will be granted access to this record. This file will also facilitate doctors, thus preventing them from wasting time in filing documents. Konstantinov specified that in order to regulate the e-Health system, healthcare legislation must be amended. The forum made it clear that, by December this year, it has been provided for ambulances to be equipped with devices transmitting information to hospitals on the actual health condition of each patient. This should save time and prevent visiting different hospitals, added Konstantinov.
When asked what will his official reaction to the Hospital "Lozenets" be over the deaths of patients after transplant operations, Konstantinov stated that he considers Hospital "Lozenets" no different than other hospitals. He announced that, on Wednesday, an inspection will be implemented by the Transplantation Executive Agency on his order. Given the already reported opinion of the Ombudsman Konstantin Penchev on the illegality of the procedure for medical team selection, Stefan Konstantinov answered that he will invite Penchev for a conversation on the topic. According to the Health Minister, the Ombudsman has made a mistake in saying 'a choice of a medical establishment' rather than saying 'a choice of a doctor'.
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Публикувана на 02/09/12 20:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/195075_Stefan+Konstantinov+promises+online+patient%27s+cards+to+be+introduced+by+2013
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