03/16/11 20:16
The price of diesel might go down to BGN 0.15 – BGN 0.20 per litre

Margarita Dimitrova
There are three possible measures through which the Bulgarian State might influence fuel prices in order to reduce these within the range of BGN 0.15 – BGN 0.20 per litre, became clear after yesterday's meeting between the representatives of the branch organisations of transport carriers, manufacturers and importers of fuels with the Prime Minister, Boyko Borissov and with the Ministers of Finance and of Economy and Transport.
It was agreed that until next Tuesday, the set up ad-hoc working group will respond to the proposals of the carriers, announced Mirolyub Stolarski, Chairman of the Bulgarian Association of Road Transport Unions (BARTU). He explained that the first step was the component of biodiesel in fuels to be eliminated and, as a result, the final price will slump by BGN 0.06-0.07.
The next proposal was for the state and businesses to share the commitment to reduce the statutory reserve that importers must hold in stock, and the state to assume half of that commitment. The last measure refers to the exemption of excise duty for biocomponents contained in diesel and petrol.
We support these proposals since they are the only reasonable ones, commented Andrey Delchev, Chairman of Bulgarian Petrol and Gas Association. He announced that during yesterday's meeting no charges were submitted either on illegal agreements concluded between trading companies, or that manufacturers were abusing their dominant position.
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Публикувана на 03/16/11 20:16 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/162389_The+price+of+diesel+might+go+down+to+BGN+0.15+%E2%80%93+BGN+0.20+per+litre
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