08/22/11 17:58
How to fall in love with classical music

Opera Festival in Bansko
Central Square "Vaptsarov"
Free Entrance
Every so often it is welcome to be reminded of why and how you first fell in love with music —and with a specific form of music, say the piano concerto or the symphony, the string quartet or ...opera. In the case of the latter, it would be hard to have a better of Giuseppe Verdi’s evergreen opera “La Traviata”.
Puccini’s "La Boheme” and “La Traviata” are dependable crowd-pleasers and make for great first steps into the world of grand opera. The characters and their stories invariably touch us because they are about first loves. And the music keeps moving along and is simply gorgeous, from the orchestral overtures through the arias and duets through the choruses.
On 26 and 27 August in the central square of the beautiful high mountainous Bulgarian town Bansko will be held for the second time Opera Festival under the stars - Opera Festival 2011.In the central parties will show the famous Bulgarian singers - opera diva Tsvetelina Maldzhanska (as Violetta), tenor Bozidar Nikolov (as Alfred) and baritone Niko Isakov (as George Zhermon). Conducted will be Deyan Pavlov.
The festival will open on 26 August from 20.30 hours with a performance of "La Traviata" by Giuseppe Verdi. The staging of this much loved in Bulgaria Verdi's works is the State Opera - Plovdiv. Popular opera arias and duets opera "Othello," "Carmen," "La Boheme," "Magic Flute", "Rural honor," "Rigoletto" will sound at a special gala opera evening on August 27.Conducted the second night of the festival will be the young George Patrikov. Popular arias by Puccini, Verdi, Mascagni will sound in the performance of the established stars of the festival and the talented young performers.
The organizers, in the face of the famous Bulgarian tenor Kaludi Kaludov have this ambition to become opera festival traditional focus during the summer and attract more tourists in the high mountainous resort town.
Entrance to the festival is free to all guests and residents of the town. The open scene under the stars is built in the central square "Vaptsarov".

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Публикувана на 08/22/11 17:58 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/178511_How+to+fall+in+love+with+classical+music
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