08/31/11 20:30
GERB targets a second mandate

The adoption of the Financial Stability Pact, the debates on the 2012 state budget along with the State Budget Act and its related laws on the National Social Security Institute and the National Health Insurance Fund, as well as the changes in the tax laws complying with the promise for maintaining the low tax burden, were among the announced issues of main concern.
GERB: Support the Financial Stability Pact
The new session of the National Assembly traditionally starts with declarations of the priorities of the parliamentary groups. On behalf of GERB, Krasimir Velchev urged all parties that define themselves as nationally responsible to support the Financial Stability Pact. Velchev assured that it would stimulate the business initiative both among Bulgarian and foreign entrepreneurs.
The amendments to the Public Procurement Law, the reforms in the social sphere and in the health care system were also identified as important issues for the ruling party.
The left-wing parties saw “a Parliament, which was becoming more and more inefficient”
“It is natural, for this session of the Parliament to pass under the sign of the upcoming elections. Actually we have a Parliament which is becoming more and more inefficient, from which nothing depends,” said Sergei Stanishev, Leader of Coalition for Bulgaria. He also reproached the people in power for implementing their PR campaign for months, rather than dealing with real problems.
The Blue Coalition requested an anti-crisis program
“The Blue Coalition proposes the Parliament urgently to develop a new anti-crisis program,” stated Martin Dimitrov. According to him, the boosting of the small and medium businesses should be a priority target. “We undertake the commitment to develop an appropriate anti-trust legislation, which to restrict the powers of companies with dominating positions on the Bulgarian market,” Dimitrov pointed out. He appealed to GERB to stop manipulating the local elections troughout the country.
MRF will fight for early elections
“This Government has proven to be a Government of the political monologue, it does not listen to ideas and therefore our top priority is to trigger early elections which would entrust the ruling of the country to a Government, recognising the democratic values,” said Deputy Chairman of MRF Lutvy Mestan.
“Ensuring the honesty of the elections is the most important issue for us,” said further Mestan. According to him, the upcoming elections will set the direction for the development of the political processes in the country over the next 10 years.
Ataka urged for the support of small farmers
“In the new parliamentary session, Ataka party plans to submit a bill which will support small farmers,” said its leader Volen Siderov. The party will submit a bill on the volunteer groups in order to protect the victims of domestic crime. Ataka will insist its bills on the Bulgarian language to be debated, the issue of the parcels around the blocks of flats to be addressed and a regulation of interests to be implemented.
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Публикувана на 08/31/11 20:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/179494_GERB+targets+a+second+mandate
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