09/06/11 21:50
The magic power of memory

Workshop in Creative Photography Summer 2011
Bela Rechka, Bulgaria
with photographer Babak Salari (Canada/Iran)
Who says photography is limited to what a standard frame or even a panoramic one can see?
Creative Photography is an art in itself, that requires a skill and precision as we know, it is one of the most creative artforms to come out of the digital age. If you are looking to add some creativity and inspiration to your photography, you probably need to look at this boundless creative photography ideas collection that inspires you to create something extra ordinary and amazing.
Photographers have developed a whole slew of techniques to create new and interesting ways to view ordinary images. From panoramic photography to high-speed photography and time-lapse photography, looking at something in a slightly new way can completely change your perceptions. Infrared and HDR photography take this concept one step further and show us things that the human eye simply can’t see on its own. Some photographers shoot entirely in the round, creating amazing full-circle spiralling panoramas or even fully-mobile three-dimensional shots that can only be viewed via computer.

New Culture Foundation is a non-governmental private organization registered 2003 in Sofia(Bulgaria) and working as an interdisciplinary network of journalists, artists, writers, new media designers and volunteers in Bela Rechka, Northwestern Bulgaria (Varshetz municipality). Developing Bela Rechka and the Northwestern region through cultural and educational activities.Creating a new safe space for multicultural dialogue on memory by meeting European and local traditions, collecting personal stories.
The organizers themselves define the core values of its activities as: " Everybody has the right of culture and the right to express it in their own way. Everybody is creator of their own identity. Memory is a powerful tool for “healing” stereotypes."

Babak Salari is a Montreal-based photographer and educator who chronicles lives at the margins of society. His documentary projects include: Iranian artists in exile; matriarchal, indigenous communities in Mexico; and gays and transvestites in Cuba. Recently, he documented those displaced and brutalized by war in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine. His interest in photography began as a teenager in his native Iran where he contributed to various publications. At the age of twenty-one, his political activities resulted in his imprisonment for six months by the Khomeini regime. Upon his temporary release from jail, he fled to Pakistan and, a year later, arrived in Canada where he resumed his study and practice of photography. His new documentary work Traumas and Miracles: Portraits of Northwestern Bulgaria is dealing with the sense of disorientation, loss, pain, and isolation.
Babak's work has been exhibited internationally including: National Art Gallery of Sofia, Bulgaria, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece, and Centro Historico in Merida, Mexico, and published in several magazines. His four main publications Faces, Bodies, Personas: Tracing Cuban Stories, Remembering the People of Afghanistan, My Street Cuban Stories, and Traumas and Miracles: Portraits from Northwestern Bulgaria, were published by Janet 45 in Bulgaria in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. He has received many awards including a Gold Addy from the American Ad Federation in 2004 for his work Locating Afghanistan.

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Публикувана на 09/06/11 21:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/180002_The+magic+power+of+memory
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