10/11/11 19:16
Some 18 months without a driving license for refusal for take the dräger test

We will make no compromises with "clever" drivers who refuse to be tested for alcohol, promised Milchev. According to him, such drivers are using a loophole in the law, and knowing that they have consumed more alcohol than permitted refuse to be tested in order to avoid the initiation of a legal proceeding. That is why the Road Traffic Police has substantially increased the penalties for such drivers.
"Increasingly often, women drink alcohol and drive afterwards," said Bogdan Milchev. He gave as an example the case when, some days ago, in Sofia, the traffic police stopped a woman driver with some 3.4 ppm of alcohol in the exhaled air – quite a high figure even for a man.
This is one of the reasons for the new alcohol campaign launched by the Traffic Police. "We have always treated women drivers a little softer, but when they are involved in road accidents we need to act accordingly. Road accidents involving women drivers are much less in number. Women are much more disciplined in general," said the chief of the Metropolitan Traffic Police department.
“I am almost certain that people who drive after having taken drugs are more than those who drive after having consumed alcohol. We have caught drivers with drugs but we have a problem with these tests. Things with drugs are different because a person who has taken a drug is to be sued under the Criminal Code and proving such cases is different. The problem with that type of tests is that these are more expensive. A test for drugs costs BGN 30,” explained Bogdan Milchev.
The Traffic Police also recommended to drivers involved in a light road accident with damages worth up to BGN 1,000 to use the existing bilateral protocols and not call the road policemen if there is no argument over who is to blame.
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Публикувана на 10/11/11 19:16 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/183370_Some+18+months+without+a+driving+license+for+refusal+for+take+the+dr%C3%A4ger+test
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