01/15/12 18:32
Bulgaria faces a shortage of 6,000 teachers in the next ten years

The big number of lay-offs and the high level of unemployment have forced many people to look back to their pedagogical university degrees, say the analyses. “Over the last three years, about 60 candidates on average have been applying for one teaching position. The crisis has allowed our educational system to cope with the shortage of teachers in information technology, the humanities, mathematics and foreign languages,” Yanka Takeva, Chair of the Syndicate of Bulgarian Teachers, told Klassa. According to her and experts, however, the gradual recovery from the crisis will again lead to a shortage of teachers in secondary education. The first signs of the imminent collapse can be seen in kindergartens and primary schools, where a shortage of personnel has been observed for several years now.
According to the Syndicate of Bulgarian Teachers, people aged between 48 and 52 predominate among school teachers in our country. Only about 3% of the teachers are aged under 29. Moreover, the profession is extremely feminised, in contrast to most EU countries where a balance is sought. Some 85% of the teachers in Bulgaria are women and the feminisation of the profession leads to discriminatory policies. “Young professionals are not willing to acquire a teaching diploma because of the poor conditions,” said Yanka Takeva.
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Публикувана на 01/15/12 18:32 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/192428_Bulgaria+faces+a+shortage+of+6%2C000+teachers+in+the+next+ten+years
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