10/11/11 18:25
Some 53 MPs demand an extraordinary Parliament meeting

Merdzhanov specified that the request was signed by 53 MPs from Coalition for Bulgaria, the Movement for Rights and Freedoms, independent MPs and the Blue Coalition, on grounds that some 28 topical questions, 19 of these by left-wing MPs had been submitted. There are questions to all the ministers and these are mostly related to the organisation of the upcoming elections.
Anton Koutev explained that the MPs from Coalition for Bulgaria disagreed with the decision for the parliamentary recess because of the elections. A majority voted against holding plenary sessions from October 12th until 23rd, but the standing committees would still have meetings. Still during the discussions on that decision, the left-wing MPs warned that they would take advantage of Article 78 of the Constitution stipulating the option of calling an extraordinary meeting of the National Assembly if the request is signed by one-fifth, i.e. by 48 of all the MPs.
“The budgetary procedure should be going on now and the elections cannot be more important than it,” commented Anton Koutev. According to him, “the attempt to close down the Parliament for two weeks is dangerous because no work will be done in that time”. Kutev added that the MPs from Coalition for Bulgaria would consider whether some more parliamentary meetings would be necessary during the following week. He said that National Assembly Chair Tsetska Tsacheva should announce until Thursday the date of the extraordinary parliamentary session.
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Публикувана на 10/11/11 18:25 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/183353_Some+53+MPs+demand+an+extraordinary+Parliament+meeting
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