03/06/12 20:05
Blue Coalition demands an end to the bonuses fiasco

UDF leadership believes that Prime Minister Boyko Borissov hides the truth about the money distributed and with the populist call for part of the amounts to be restored, which the administrations refuse to have taken instead of urging them to tell the whole truth, he participated in the process of hiding of information.
Vanyo Sharkov recalled that the UDF had submitted a bill amending the Public Administration Act, which offers all additional fees and incentives to be published by positions and months, quarterly on the administrative register, managed by the Government and urged GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) to support the bill.
The leaders of the Blue Coalition again demanded the resignations of the Minister of Health and the Minister of Agriculture and Food. They asked and Minister of Interior Tsvetan Tsvetanov to explain the difference between BGN 50, 000 and BGN 20 mln.
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Публикувана на 03/06/12 20:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/197540_Blue+Coalition+demands+an+end+to+the+bonuses+fiasco
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