10/19/11 20:00
BDZ not to execute side activities

This principle has already been implemented for the security services and the parcel services of BDZ. In fact, the latter is not a service, but a separate type of business in which we are not holding a stake, specified Nedev. According to him, the outsourcing of the BDZ technical maintenance and repair activity is also being seriously considered. This is actually a "hybrid" activity, connected to the provision of external and internal maintenance. However, it is evident that the BDZ own repair capacities are highly inefficient. The company has buildings for the purpose, but in order for an effective repair activity to be carried out there, the system should be thoroughly upgraded, commented Nedev. He claimed that currently discussions were held on the decommissioning of overall 175 trains. Besides, a part of BDZ holiday houses will be auctioned.
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Публикувана на 10/19/11 20:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/184233_BDZ+not+to+execute+side+activities+
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