12/06/11 18:57
Rosen Plevneliev: I will apply an integrated approach towards energy issues

According to Plevneliev, Bulgaria should not depend on one supplier of energy resources alone, because this creates emergency situations. Bulgarian enterprises should be supported by the State in this direction. "An investment of BGN 2 bn in energy efficiency measures could bring a return of BGN 20 bn, for example. Such rate of return is achievable only from investments in highways, "said the newly elected President.
"I hope to become the pragmatic President of modern Bulgaria. A Head of State is constitutionally obliged to defend social rights and causes. In order to be socially responsible and honest to the Bulgarian citizens, I must say that neither the President, nor the politicians can ensure jobs and income, because these are created in the economy. For that reason, the President of Bulgaria should be engaged both in the national and in the regional economy," said Plevneliev.
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Публикувана на 12/06/11 18:57 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/189025_Rosen+Plevneliev%3A+I+will+apply+an+integrated+approach+towards+energy+issues
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