03/26/12 19:50
Plevneliev: I will oppose everyone who works against the national priorities

Plevneliev said that he had very honest and frank relations with Borissov: "Many times I told him “no” and many times we sat together and dealt with problem issues...". The President added that he was not used to politicise and to lead political battles, and that this was the difference between him and the Prime Minister. "I fight for projects that make sense and always look for solid solutions," said Plevneliev.
"I will always put the arguments on the table when I see a threat to the national priorities - no matter whether it comes down to energy efficiency, e-government, efficient work of the institutions, or the image of the country - for me these are important priorities and I will not allow any discrepancy on them," said the Head of State. He stated further that "if any political party runs counter the national priorities, I will intervene". "For me, it is not important who fights against whom and for what reason. It is essential that the work on the national priorities is conducted in the right direction. If this does not happen, I'm ready to oppose anyone," said Plevneliev. After that he drove forward the revolutionary electric vehicle together with US Ambassador James Warlick.
Rosen Plevneliev urged the Government to create appropriate instruments that will motivate people to buy environmentally friendly cars - preferential parking conditions, partial tax refund or other tools.” By 2020, some 10% of the cars in the world will be hybrid or electric cars,” he predicted. According to the President, energy efficiency is a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development.
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Публикувана на 03/26/12 19:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/199495_Plevneliev%3A+I+will+oppose+everyone+who+works+against+the+national+priorities
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