12/27/11 19:05
Boyko Borissov: Even at a time of crisis, culture remains a priority

Even at a time of crisis, culture must remain our priority, stated yesterday in the city of Ruse, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. He, and the Ministers of Culture and Regional Development, Vezhdi Rashidov and Liliana Pavlova, attended the inauguration of the renovated building of the Ruse Opera House. BGN 1,437,493 have already been invested in the modernisation of these cultural institutions.
In 2011, the Opera House of the town of Stara Zagora was reconstructed, so were the theatre houses in the town of Pernik, the Bulgaria Concert Hall in Sofia and, in January, the theatre house in Burgas will be inaugurated as well.
Minister Vezhdi Rashidov reminded, in turn, that the Ruse Opera House has not been renovated since 1955, i.e. since Pencho Kubadinski himself did so. (Editor's note: Pencho Kubadinski was a senior functionary of the former Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) and, until 1958, the Secretary General of the BCP district committee in Ruse). We hope that the large-scale investments we have in mind will lay the groundwork for the fruition of the cultural and educational potential of the town of Ruse, said Liliana Pavlova. She explained that the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRPW) has provided more than BGN 200 mln for the modernisation of the Ruse district. The funds are intended for the upgrading of seven schools, as well as for the construction of family-type homes for the accommodation of socially-disadvantaged and disabled children, as well as for the construction of a regional cancer-treatment centre, along with the development of road infrastructure and tourist attractions.
"In 2012, a total of BGN 300 mln will be allocated under OP Regional Development for the repair and renovation of 40 designated cultural and historical landmarks in Bulgaria," added Minister Liliana Pavlova. In her opinion, these funds will be used for cultural projects - the Ledenika cave, the Belogradchik Rocks and the Island of Saint Anastasia.The towns of Varna, Ruse, Sliven, Silistra, Karlovo are on the list as well.
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Публикувана на 12/27/11 19:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/190937_Boyko+Borissov%3A+Even+at+a+time+of+crisis%2C+culture+remains+a+priority
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