02/01/12 18:43
The Cabinet nominates another five ambassadors

Boyko Kotsev, who was, until now, Bulgaria’s Permanent Representative in the EU is the most popular name among them. Kotsev will head our embassy in Moscow. Previously, he was Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Cabinet of Simeon Saxe-Cobourg Gotha and Sergei Stanishev. "Kotsev has been working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for years and, as an ambassador of our country to the EU, is well-acquainted with the debate between Europe and Russia, and with the vast agenda of pressing issues between them. I'm sure that he will be able to cope with his duties in Moscow," said Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikolay Mladenov.
The Cabinet nominated Kostadin Kodzhabashev as ambassador to Spain. "He was born in 1962 and is a career diplomat. He is currently our Consul General in Valencia. He received very positive references from our community there and is well-acquainted with Spain. I believe that he will deal quickly with the pressing tasks there," said Minister Mladenov.
The Government nominated Rumen Pironchev to represent Bulgaria in Pakistan. He is currently our Minister Plenipotentiary in Islamabad.
Boriana Simeonova, who was Head of the State Protocol Directorate at the Council of Ministers, was nominated as ambassador to Morocco. The Foreign Minister described Simeonova as "a suitable person" for developing our relations with Morocco.
The Minister Plenipotentiary in Damascus Dimitar Mihaylov is expected to become our permanent envoy to the Syrian Arab Republic.
Nikolay Mladenov, however, refused to give details about his upcoming conversation with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who arrives on an official visit to Bulgaria on February 5. He did not reply directly to the question whether the prospecting of shale gas in the country and the ACTA trade agreement will be discussed.
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Публикувана на 02/01/12 18:43 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/194198_The+Cabinet+nominates+another+five+ambassadors++
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