01/25/12 18:43
The Government nominates 24 candidates for ambassadors

One of the popular candidates is Nikola Kolev, Head of the Cabinet of President Georgi Parvanov. He has been nominated for ambassador to the Netherlands. Two of the deputies of Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov - Dimitar Dimitrov and Konstantin Tsanchev have also been proposed for ambassadors. They will lead the Permanent Representation of Bulgaria to the EU in Brussels and our Embassy in London.
Stefan Tafrov is proposed for another term in office in our Representation to the UN in New York. Alexander Filipov is nominated as ambassador for Romania, Angel Dimitrov- for Serbia, Emilia Kraljeva - for Greece, Ivan Petkov- for Macedonia, Dimitar Arnaudov - for Albania, Angel Angelov - for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Radi Naidenov, will head our mission in Germany. Angel Cholakov will assume the ambassador's post in Italy, and Kiril Marichkov - junior - in the Vatican. The Government proposes Ivan Piperkov for the Bulgarian Permanent Mission to the UN Office in Geneva. Vesselin Valkanov will be sent to Belgium, Elena Shekerletova -to Austria, and Biserka Benisheva and Margarita Ganeva - to Hungary and Slovakia. The last 6 persons on the list are: Rumen Petrov - Egypt, Plamen Shukerliev - China, Plamen Ulshevski - Kuwait, Boris Borisov - Yemen, Katya Deleva - South Africa, Krassimir Minchev - the Ukraine.
Another piece of news was released after the Cabinet’s meeting in Pazardzhik - the entire management of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) was dismissed. The Minister of Defence announced that NIS Director Lieutenant General Kircho Kirov and his deputies Major General Liudmil Angelov and Colonel Zvezdomir Penkov had been removed from office. Two new officers of NIS were appointed as Deputy Director and Director ad interim. Prime Minister Borissov proposed to Lieutenant General Kirov to replace Tsvetlin Yovchev on the position Adviser to the Council of Ministers, because the latter was appointed Head of the Office to the President.
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Публикувана на 01/25/12 18:43 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/193543_The+Government+nominates+24+candidates+for+ambassadors
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