05/26/11 18:50
Georgi Parvanov: The liquidation of Bulgarian electronics was a mistake

The Head of State said that in the 1980's a total of 130,000 people were employed in the sector but, at present, the respective figure was three times smaller - about 44,000 people. According to him, the labour power in the sector and the scientific units and companies could be maintained, transformed and modernised in order to become operational and efficient in the new conditions but this has not happened.
Georgi Parvanov expressed his belief that Bulgaria had the potential to return on the global ICT map and become part of the modern information society. "I believe and I am convinced that we can and have the potential to return to our traditionally good positions in electronics," he added. The President was clear that this would require a consistent State policy and strategy. He stated that Bulgaria needed not just highways and appropriate transport infrastructure, but information lines and electronic infrastructure as well.
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Публикувана на 05/26/11 18:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/169896_Georgi+Parvanov%3A+The+liquidation+of+Bulgarian+electronics+was+a+mistake+
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