02/26/12 20:00
Bulgarians spend BGN 170 per month on petrol

Over the recent year, the mounting prices of petrol and other fuels at the Bulgarian market has led to serious social unrest and even to protests, demanding price reductions. According to the survey data on the topic, as of April 2011, the majority (73%) of the Bulgarian citizens believe that fuel prices in Bulgaria are higher than those in Europe. Over a quarter of the respondents share the opinion that the Bulgarian government should be blamed for the high prices because of the large excise duties imposed on petrol and diesel products.
About one third of the adult Bulgarian population drives a personal or a company car. Despite the high rate of emancipated women behind the wheel, the proportion of male drivers continues to outweigh significantly the share of female drivers. In fact, the most active drivers are Bulgarians between 26 and 40 years of age - the majority of them drive, albeit rarely.
Despite the rising fuel prices, Bulgarian drivers are covering an average of almost 8 000 km per year, which is approximately 660 km per month. Sofia residents and Bulgarian citizens with a personal monthly income of over BGN 700 drive the longest distances - 12, 970 km per year on average for Bulgarians having an income of over BGN 700 and 11,700 km per year for Sofia residents. This is actually an average of some 1, 000 km per month for both groups of drivers.
The average monthly cost of gasoline or other fuel has been following an upward trend since 2006 according to all the respondents. In February 2006, the Bulgarian drivers spent an average of a bit over BGN 60 a month to fill the fuel tanks of their cars. In 2009, the registered amount was almost twice as high standing at BGN 118, while today it reaches already BGN 170.
Despite the obvious increase in fuel expenses, the ratio between the fuel cost and the household income of drivers fluctuates within relatively stable values over the years. In 2006, the average monthly cost of fuel was BGN 62, while the average household income of Bulgarian car owners was less than BGN 520. That is, the expenses for gasoline were less than 12% of the total household income.
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Публикувана на 02/26/12 20:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196612_Bulgarians+spend+BGN+170+per+month+on+petrol++
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