02/09/11 19:10
BSP and Blue Coalition: Tsvetanov must step down

In official statements, the parliamentary groups of the Blue Coalition and Coalition for Bulgaria demanded from PM Boyko Borissov on Wednesday to relieve Tsvetan Tsvetanov from his duties as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior or Tsvetanov to hand in his resignation himself.
"Due to his incompetence and bad governance, the Interior Minister is losing the battle with organised crime, he has failed to deal with the top circles of the mafia and has turned the battle against crime and corruption into media campaigns," Blue Coalition MPs said. According to its Co-chairman and UDF (United Democratic Forces) leader, Martin Dimitrov, it is only a matter of time for the Prime Minister to demand Tsvetanov’s resignation. "Should this not happen, Tsvetanov will drag down the entire Cabinet with him," added Ivan Kostov, the other Co-chairman of the Blue Coalition and leader of DSB (Democrats for Strong Bulgaria).
Coalition for Bulgaria MPs believe that in his capacity as Interior Minister Tsvetanov is responsible for imposing police methods in the entire country, for making SIMs (Special Investigative Means) into means to control people and for the failure of the fight against crime and corruption. Socialists intend to inform the European Parliament and the European Commission about this and to request their intervention to prevent and eliminate abuse of SIMs and the violation of Bulgarian citizens’ rights.
"My resignation has been demanded for a long time by both the organised crime and our political opponents, but now it has materialised as a position of the Blue Coalition. They might have in mind Alexey Petrov to become the next interior minister," commented Tsvetanov.
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Публикувана на 02/09/11 19:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/158633_BSP+and+Blue+Coalition%3A+Tsvetanov+must+step+down+
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