03/21/12 19:23
Desislava Atanasova and Delian Dobrev sworn in as Ministers

Martin Dimitrov, leader of the Union of Democratic Forces, who took a stand on behalf of the Blue Coalition, expressed disagreement with the dismissal of Minister Traikov, describing him as "a conscientious man, whom GERB had no scruple to sacrify, because he “ had not given way to the Russian interests in the energy branch”.
Dimitrov demanded Prime Minister Boyko Borissov to be called in Parliament in order to explain the reshuffles and the Government’s position on the Belene Nuclear Power Plant. The absence of Borissov infuriated the Parliamentary Groups of Coalition for Bulgaria and MRF as well. Ataka leader Volen Siderov directly requested the closure of the meeting in protest, but that was not accepted.
Chairman of the Bulgarian Socialist Party Sergei Stanishev said that the personnel changes would not contribute to the Government’s policy. He accused Borissov of authoritarianism and disrespect for the MPs and described his model of governance as a state-monopolistic oligarchy.
Deputy Chairman of MRF Lutvy Mestan announced that his parliamentary group did not support the changes, as no grounds for the dismissal were attached to the proposal of Borissov.
The new Minister of Health said that she would work for the de-monopolization of the Health Insurance Fund and for the introduction of the long-awaited electronic health card. The concept for the emergency aid service would be among her first priorities. On the accusations of lacking sufficient professional experience, she ansered that this would be offset by the appointment of a competent team.
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Публикувана на 03/21/12 19:23 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/199032_Desislava+Atanasova+and+Delian+Dobrev+sworn+in+as+Ministers
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