04/20/12 19:00
The prospectus for the 33% sale of CEZ companies has been drafted

Within one to two weeks, the Privatization Agency will submit to the Financial Supervision Commission the prospectus for the sale of the state minority share in the CEZ electricity distribution companies, stated the Agency's Executive Director Emil Karanikolov, quoted by Mediapool.
The first CEZ company - CEZ Bulgaria has a capital of BGN 1.928 mln, allocated into shares with a nominal value of BGN 10. The state has decided to sell its 33% stake in the company, or 63,624 shares. CEZ Electro Bulgaria was registered in the Central Depository with a capital of BGN 50,000, allocated in shares with a nominal value of BGN 10. The state wants to sell 1,650 company's shares.
Central Cooperative Bank JSC is the investment intermediary for the public offering of securities. So far, the state has managed to sell its stake in the capital of the EVN power distribution company which supplies electricity to Southern Bulgaria.
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Публикувана на 04/20/12 19:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/201786_The+prospectus+for+the+33%25+sale+of+CEZ+companies+has+been+drafted
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