04/25/12 18:12
Parliament relieves Dimana Rankova of her duties as FSC Vice Chairperson

Now, a new expert has to assume Rankova’s post as supervisor of the investment activities in the country. According to sources of Klassa daily, however, this will not happen soon because the procedure is complicated. Potential successors should be nominated and their candidacies - voted by the National Assembly.
Some hours after it became clear that Dimana Rankova had handed in her resignation, came the news that she will join President Rosen Plevneliev’s team as his adviser on financial matters. Today, Rankova commented for Klassa that her priorities henceforth will be connected with the formation of a creative sector policy. “For 15 years now, I have been dealing with the capital market. I started my career from the lowest level and I hope to continue following this pace in the future,” she explained.
Some minutes after her resignation was accepted by Parliament, she confirmed that she will join the President’s team, more specifically - the Commission for Uncollectible State Receivables. Rankova is expected to assume her new duties next week.
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Публикувана на 04/25/12 18:12 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/202283_Parliament+relieves+Dimana+Rankova+of+her+duties+as+FSC+Vice+Chairperson
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