05/08/12 17:54
Tran to become the Bulgarian Klondike

At the end of last year, former Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traicho Traikov announced that the Canadian company, which found gold deposits in the Western Rhodopes, near Tran, might apply for extraction of gold once the legal procedures for a commercial discovery and granting a concession on the deposits are concluded. A year ago, a single authority for management of natural resources was established with the Ministry of Economy. It already coordinates the work of the Ministries of Economy, of Environment and of Regional Development for the issuance of permits for exploration and concessions for mining of natural resources. The new directorate with the Ministry of Economy has already issued certificates for geographical discoveries near the village of Rakitovo in the Western Rhodopes and near Bulgaria’s western border in the region of Tran. According to preliminary data, the ores in the Rhodope Mountains are mostly with high silver content and in the region of Tran there are mainly gold deposits, which can be extracted by underground mining. The estimated capacity of the deposits near Tran is around 100 tonnes of gold, and the expected extraction from the region of Rakitovo is 7 tonnes of gold and 100 tonnes of silver. The geographical discoveries were made by two subsidiaries of the Canadian company Trace Resources and Euromax Services. The former explored the ground in the region of Rakitovo and the latter – of Tran.
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Публикувана на 05/08/12 17:54 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/203296_Tran+to+become+the+Bulgarian+Klondike
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