05/09/12 17:35
Ceiling on bonuses of up to 80% of the salary imposed

A survey of Klassa daily showed that only 5% of the civil servants have an excellent evaluation. The money for bonuses will be taken from the variable part of the Salaries Fund, which is 30% and cannot exceed 5% of it. The MPs decided that the remuneration of state officials will consist of two parts – a fixed and a variable one. The fixed one will be 70% and the variable -30%. According to Finance Minister Simeon Djankov, this new method of calculating will not result in a decrease of employees’ remuneration because the fixed part will include the salary they have received until now. However, the additional payment for length of service will be eliminated. According to the authors of the law, it is included in the basic salary.
Experts have calculated that under the approved amendments the average additional remuneration in the administration will be up to 50%, at that - not for everyone. Yanaki Stoilov, MP from the Bulgarian Socialist Party, commented that if an employee receives a high percentage of additional payment, it will be at the expense of another or several other employees. Pavel Shopov, PM from the Ataka party, predicted rivalry within the State administration.
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Публикувана на 05/09/12 17:35 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/203435_Ceiling+on+bonuses+of+up+to+80%25+of+the+salary+imposed
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