06/11/12 18:50
Nadezhda Neynsky blames Kuneva for her "wicked" political manipulation

The MEP from the Blue Coalition Nadezhda Neynsky sharply attacked the former EU Commissioner Meglena Kuneva on the occasion of the formation of her new party Civic Association ''Bulgaria of the Citizens" (abbreviated as BG in Bulgarian ). In an interview on BNT (Bulgarian National Television) on Monday, Neynsky blamed BG's leader that she is trying to reinterpret political history after, a day earlier, Kuneva used footage from rallies of the UDF (Union of Democratic Forces) and UDF (United Democratic Forces) in the presentation of the Initiative Committee for the establishment of her party
Thus, she is trying to mislead the right-wing electorate. Oddly enough, since she is supported by people connected with the left-wing or who are a part of families with socialist views, and now they claim to be right-wing representatives, commented Nadezhda Neynsky. She identified and compared the new political project to the formation of NMSP (National Movement for Stability and Prosperity) and GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria).
"The establishment of Meglena Kuneva's party reminds me of the emergence of GERB in public space. Allegedly, it was intended to be a civil association but, very quickly, it was transformed into a party. And why? Because the authentic right-wing space yielded territories and positions," retorted Neynsky.
According to her, it was unfair for Kuneva to distance herself from the policy of NMSP and the tripartite coalition, given that she was a minister in their governments. "Kuneva is not my political opponent, but a moral one. I have a problem with the reinterpretation she is trying to make," said also Nadezhda Neynsky who described Meglena Kuneva's actions as "wicked" manipulation.
The former UDF Chairwoman subjected to criticism her party members who did not find anything disturbing in Kuneva's attempts to mislead the public, as well as distorting GERB's history but are ready to attack their own party.
According to Neynsky, the Blue Coalition was a project that had to evolve and expand, but not to disintegrate. She said she will not run again for the UDF leadership post, but she failed to support the only clear nominee, Rumen Hristov. He cannot head the party if he has received a mere 60,000 votes in the presidential elections last year, stated the MEP.
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Публикувана на 06/11/12 18:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/206572_Nadezhda+Neynsky+blames+Kuneva+for+her+%22wicked%22+political+manipulation
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