02/26/12 19:12
A magistrate, who refused to register UDF, nominated for judicial inspector

Yosifova is a judge in the Commercial Division of the Sofia City Court. She became popular after her refusal to register the new leadership of the UDF with Chairman Martin Dimitrov. The decision of Yosifova made an impression because of the political arguments in it. According to the resolution, the statutes, under which the first internal party elections had been conducted, were "vague, imprecise and contradictory. They did not enable the court to accept that this was a statute of a party with serious political ambitions.“ UDF leader Martin Dimitrov said that in this case "the court was used for political purposes." The decision of Yosifova was revoked by the Supreme Court of Cassation.
“This decision was based on political rather than legal assessments and arguments,” told Klassa Ivan Sotirov, a member of the National Council of the UDF. "People who participate in a structure like the Inspectorate at the Supreme Judicial Council, should be an example of integrity, professionalism and courage," added Sotirov. He doubted that the appointment of Yosifova would be useful against the background of the reform needed in the judiciary.
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Публикувана на 02/26/12 19:12 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196608_A+magistrate%2C+who+refused+to+register+UDF%2C+nominated+for+judicial+inspector++
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