07/16/12 18:07
The Supreme Judicial Council is reviewing slow court cases

After an in-depth analysis, the Disciplinary Commission's report is supposed to recommend measures to tackle the problem with overburdened courts and uneven distribution of legal cases across the country's administrative regions.
A commission of experts at the Ministry of Justice is currently working on the issue in conjunction with non-government organisations, Kovatcheva said. A system for assessing the level of workload on magistrates is going to be devised over the next several months with the help of EU experts, she added.
The Supreme Court of Cassation's Chairman, Lazar Gruev, expressed his disappointment that it takes unpleasant episodes like the dismissal of Miroslava Todorova to focus public attention on problems, such as the uneven distribution of cases and the overburdening of many of the magistrates, who work even during their holidays and off-days to get everything done.
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Публикувана на 07/16/12 18:07 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/208683_The+Supreme+Judicial+Council+is+reviewing+slow+court+cases+
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