08/03/12 13:14
Delian Dobrev: Bulgaria cannot afford NPP Belene

Bulgaria cannot afford NPP Belene and its cost is unaffordable, stated on Bulgarian National Television (BNT) Minister of Economics, Energy and Tourism, Delian Dobrev. According to him, the nuclear power plant will cost twice as much as all the assets of Bulgarian energetics, currently estimated at BGN 12 bn.
With respect to a possible referendum on the second power plant, Dobrev was adamant that people should vote in an informed manner. "Instead of a referendum, it would have been better for BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party) to open a bank account and collect money from all who believe in the project in order to implement it. The problem of the project is financial," added Dobrev.
He also described statements that the price of the electricity generated at NPP Belene would be low as mere speculation. According to estimates of the consulting company HSBC, 1 MWH will cost 75 euro on average, or BGN 150. By comparison, as of September 1, 2012, 1 MWH of wind generated energy will cot BGN 140 and 1 MWH of solar energy - BGN 160.
Dobrev added that people should be informed and not vote in the referendum on the basis of their nostalgic memories of the past.
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Публикувана на 08/03/12 13:14 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/209715_Delian+Dobrev%3A+Bulgaria+cannot+afford+NPP+Belene
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