10/25/12 16:40
The new prices for RES' access to networks postponed

They note that the proposed amendments to the Law on the Export of Dual-use Goods are an attempt to change the text of the Energy Act and the Act on Energy from Renewable Sources, as well as to regulate prices for access to the networks of producers of electricity from RES.
On Wednesday, the amendments were discussed in the Parliamentary Committee on Economy and Energy, but opposition lawmakers left the meeting and, because of a lack of quorum, the vote of the texts was postponed.
In mid-September, the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission determined temporary prices for access to transmission and distribution networks for energy producers from renewable sources.
The association is concerned that the government wants to "secretly" push through the amendments to the Law on Dual-use Goods, because non-governmental organisations and associations of producers of electricity from renewable energy sources were not aware of them. The organisation thinks that members of the opposition have forwarded to them the proposals for changes in the texts of the law, after becoming aware of them.
It turns out, however, that the amendments were agreed and approved by the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism (MEET).
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Публикувана на 10/25/12 16:40 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/214276_The+new+prices+for+RES%27+access+to+networks+postponed
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