11/06/12 16:42
SEWRC answers the EC about the fees for green energy
By the end of the week, the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) will answer the EC's questions about the imposed fee for access to the country’s electricity transmission network for green energy, SEWRC’s head Angel Semerdjiev announced on Tuesday. He said that the request of the European Commission is in the form of a questionnaire. Semerdjiev added that he wasn't sure whether Brussels will understand the need for the imposition of a fee for network access by the answers provided by SEWRC. If the answers do not contain confidential information, they will be made public, Semerdjiev announced. SEWRC's Chairman stressed once again that if the access fee hadn't been implemented, the burden of higher costs for green energy would have had to be borne by consumers. Access prices, set in mid-September, are temporary and they have been calculated on the basis of SEWRC's forecast, Semerdjiev explained once again.The only factor which could affect the price of electricity in 2013 would be the high number of renewable energy sources that would need be bought at preferential prices and nothing else, Angel Semerdjiev predicted earlier for BNT.
As for the accusations that the state regulator has introduced an unfair "access fee" to the network for producers of energy from RES, Semerdjiev said that the decision is right and time will prove it.
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Публикувана на 11/06/12 16:42 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/215111_SEWRC+answers+the+EC+about+the+fees+for+green+energy
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